That Nagging Dream of Yours to Learn Latin
(It's there for a reason)
If you have always felt a hole in your soul where Latin ought to go, request your free copy of my report "Why You Are Absolutely Right to Want to Learn Latin".
In this short report (only six pages, with pictures), you’ll find out the following:
- The common—but flawed—reason some people give for wanting to learn Latin. You need to know this, so that you don’t overstate the case for learning Latin.
- The fairy tale that demonstrates why it is preferable to make Latin your first foreign language if you are an English speaker. Armed with this understanding, you can confidently proceed to select Latin as your first foreign language, out of the 7,000 other languages you might have chosen to study first.
- How Latin is not like the perfectly preserved, delicate dead bodies of butterflies displayed in museum cases, and why this makes all the difference in the world regarding how you should approach learning Latin.*
Take the first two baby-steps to seeing how you might get some Latin into your life.
- Baby-Step One. Request and read the free report.
- Baby-Step Two. Read the daily emails (most of them quite brief) that I’ll automatically send you, which are designed to delight and inform you and— ultimately—to suck you into my world, into the labyrinth of Latin, with its gardens of earthly and unearthly pleasures. You’ll never be stuck with me, though; there’s an Unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email, should you find me boring or irrelevant.
Did you notice that I didn’t use the word factoid to describe the content I’ll be sending your way? That is quite deliberate, and if you stick around till Day 5 of the daily emails, you’ll find out why.
But for right now, find out Why You Are Absolutely Right to Want to Learn Latin. Click the button to request your free download!
*For more fun, try to guess what I might be hinting at with these three points.

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